The Rise of Systemic Tabloidism

The Rise of Systemic Tabloidism

To assert that journalism is dead is so tired these days as to be basically a cliché, and so self-evidently true as to be a tautology. Only the most self-righteous, dishonest, and clueless disagree. However, while the corpse of journalism continues to stink up our...
Cuties: The Profanation of Creativity

Cuties: The Profanation of Creativity

Cuties has been trending on nearly every social media platform for days now, due in large part to outrage over its depiction of elementary-age “dancers.” To spare giving this monstrosity anymore views, paint a mental picture of children gyrating to Cardi B’s WAP, in...
Keep the theatre of cancel culture off the Australian political stage

Keep the theatre of cancel culture off the Australian political stage

Earlier last year I stepped away from politics in a bid to focus on family. What most people didn’t know was I had married a man from the land downunder, and subsequently moved here. I’ve been rather quiet about my time in Australia for more reasons than just my...
Aussie Life

Aussie Life

I’ve always been a bit of a ‘prepper’. Pre-2020 that’s something I would’ve never admitted. It’s embarrassing to say I keep a military-style bag full of survival gear ready to go in my closet at a moment’s notice. I was the girl loading bags of rice into the cart the...
Why Nationalism?

Why Nationalism?

The very fabric of Western nations is shifting. Europeans will soon be minorities in their own countries, their languages replaced and their cultures forgotten, with younger generations forced to pay into social systems that are so generous with strangers, they have...
Affirmative Consent: The Ultimate Romance Killer

Affirmative Consent: The Ultimate Romance Killer

Last week, New York governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law a bill designed to combat sexual violence on college campuses. The law requires both public and private colleges in New York State to adopt new policies and protocols that demand explicit, affirmative consent...